What Happened Last Tuesday: Part 1 — Who Actually Voted? (2018)

PLEASE NOTE: This analysis is based on an initial estimate of the 2018 electorate and should NOT be used for comparative purposes now that updated data are available. An archived version of Catalist’s 2018 estimates is available here. For current data, see Catalist’s latest analyses.


November 9, 2018

Author: Yair Ghitza, Chief Scientist

Composition of the electorate: Age


Composition of the electorate: Race


Composition of the electorate: College, Race, Urbanity


So, what now?

In the days and weeks ahead, we will continue to revise these projections and will share similar estimates for select statewide and congressional races as they come together. In some parts of the country, we are still waiting on a settled outcome, and in many others, high numbers of uncounted ballots are still missing from the official vote tallies. Of course, we want our analysis to reflect these late-breaking, real-world events, but we’ll move forward as quickly as we can.